Looking to swap your Secus to a different fork? Get yourself a different fitment kit here. Kits include a footstud plus any other necessary fitment components unless otherwise specified.
Rockshox A2 Footstud
Please note that the Rockshox A2 fitment kit replaces the old Rockshox A1 kit. It fits all the same forks as the A1 kit, plus more.
BIP (B1/B2) Sealhead
If you have a Debonair C1 air spring for Lyrik/Pike, a replacement 35mm Debonair B1-style sealhead is now available. The C1 sealhead effectively shortens the air shaft and reduces/eliminates the pneumatic topout control present in the B1/B2 air shaft assemblies. While the Secus can be physically attached to a C1 Debonair air shaft assembly, it will reduce your travel and may top out noticeably loudly. We strongly recommend replacing the C1 sealhead with a B1 sealhead.
Fox A1 Footstud
32mm, 34mm 36mm 2018+ & Marzcoohi 2019+
Fox A2 Footstud
38mm 21+
Fox A3 Footstud Kit
Fox A3 40mm 2018+ kit is the same footstud as the Fox A1 kit but includes a replacement air piston for the Fox 40. The Piston is also available separately where necessary.